Monday, April 26, 2010

What is the difference between criminal behaviour and deviant behaviour?

Some crimes may be thought of as deviant but not criminal and other, criminal but not deviant. In some cases however it can be both, as in child pornography which violates social norm AND is against the law. Not all crime is deviant (marijuana use) however and not all deviance is criminal (bystander apathy) which is why there is laws for crimes and not for deviance. However crime and deviance happen from some of the same factors such as bad parenting, peer groups etc. The main difference seperating deviance from criminal behaviour is breaking the law(crime) or violating the social norm(deviance). Although deviance isn't considered as bad as crimes it can technically be just a bad there is just no law stopping it from occurring.

Deviant but not Criminal:
  • picking your nose, wiping it on a wall
  • bystander apathy
  • abortion

Criminal but not Deviant:
  • smoking in public (beaches, lakes)
  • marijuana use
  • drinking in public

Out of this list I believe that bystander apathy should be made into a law because your letting a crime happen before your eyes and you aren't doing anything to help. The death of someone could result in your decision not to assist. However, this would have to be a bendable law in the fact that if it puts you in harms way you should not be expected to help. If you are physically or emotionally able then I see no problem with lending a hand.


  1. Miranda I am a bit confused about your criminal but not deviant list...Is murder not both deviant and criminal? I certainly understand that for many marijuana use is not deviant but for a large sector of Canadian society it still is. I think it may be a bit harsh to compel people to help others in society. I don't think that ignoring someone's cries for help is right (like the NY case here: but forcing someone to assist is not necessarily right either.

  2. I agree with what you are saying about forcing someone to assist but also you must think about the consequences of not being a good citizen. For example that homeless man on the streets of New York, if people had to help or felt as if they should then that man could have been saved. Without that extra push many people will just leave others to die, which is not what i agree with.
